Narratopias: Call for participation!


Narratopias is a collective, open project to organize, on a global scale, a collective response to the recurring call for new narratives. An invitation to embark on a collective search for alternative, transformative narratives, and turn them into the seeds of concrete changes.
This project will develop in two chapters. First, we will collect existing “new narratives” from all over the world. Then, connect, facilitate and support initiatives that both enrich the diversity of narratives, and use them empower individuals and communities to think up or effect transformations.

→ Find a full description of the project on our website.
→ Download this call (.pdf)

Contribute to the collective Library of Transformative Narratives

→ Objective: 300+ “new narratives” by June 30, 2021

The project will start by building a collective library of transformative narratives, from all over the world, and open to all languages and means of expressions.

What do we mean by “Transformative Narratives”? Stories, told through different voices and media (text, video, game, performance, visual arts…), that point at a systemic transformation towards a different present or future.
These new narratives offer different ways of looking at the world. They can be about the future, the present or even the past; About your community, region, or the planet, or even the universe. They can be your own work, or references that you find inspiring; Original or pre-existing works; Based on imaginary worlds or on existing initiatives and experiences.

How to get started?