Calling All Activists, Researchers, Futurists, Climate specialists, Artist collectives, Youth organizations, Public institutions, & more!
A project by the Plurality University Network and the European Climate Foundation
If you have worked, are working, or intend to work with/as young people on their/your visions of a future marked by climate change…
We want to hear from you!
While the evidence of climate change is overwhelming, climate action is facing a backlash. This could, in part, be attributed to its failure to connect with the aspirations, but also the difficulties, of people all over the world. Young people are not exempt, in spite of surveys telling us that their choices and actions are already largely influenced by climate issues.
This project is about listening to them: to better understand how young people in the world see the future in the context of climate change, and of the different (political, economic, cultural, social…) ways of responding to it.
What Are We Looking For?
Past, ongoing, and upcoming projects where young people:
- Collectively explore perspectives on the future and climate change.
- Use collective, artistic, fictional, and/or foresight tools and methods to express their ideas.
- Share different visions of tomorrow: Utopian, dystopian, critical, alternative, interrogative, weird, etc.
How to Get Involved
- Submit your project:
- Or contact us directly!
In partnership with