Here is some information related to the questions we have received…

What formats are accepted?

All of them! (visuals, graphics, texts, photos, drawings …). They can be copleted or ongoing project(s) / work(s). The objective is to produce a transdisciplinary stepping stone into different ways to look at a theme.
Indicative information for zine contributions:

  • Text length: maximum of 1 to 2 pages (1 page = approx 500 words)
  • Number of visuals: maximum 4 to 6 images
  • Image quality: minimum 300 dpi for a good rendering
How can you contribute?

There are two different ways to contribute:

  • If you wish to be published in the fanzine, you can send your contribution to us by email: info@plurality-university.org.
  • If you wish to take part in the conversation and share short references about what this call makes you think about (your work or someone else’s), you can drop them directly on the open library platform (it only takes a few minutes).
    Each thematic tab indicated on our website is linked to the open library’s thematic page in question (e.g Futures, Food, History, etc.)
What is the curatorial committee?

The curatorial committee is a group of volunteers interested in the process of collaborative editing or/and interested in the on-going theme being explored. The group meets between one and three times (depending on each person’s availability), to exchange around the contribution received. The process is different each time but goes along the lines of, sharing references, organising and shaping the publication…
Want to join us for the current thematic? Email us!

What will it produce?
  1. Fanzine: The content is assembled and published in an open-source magazine, providing food for everyone’s thought and imagination: selected creative proposals, references, links to follow, short texts and images, taking these exchanges as an invitation to collectively push further.
  2. Corpora platform: The platform is an open-source library where various resources from the realms of arts and fiction come to live. It is a space where you get inspired and also share content (yours or someone elses) you also find inspiring.

For each U+ZINE edition, you can make the subject yours!
Take a look at the previous editions (Relations, Future, Food …) here.