I am… Sick. Well. Better. Healed. Chronic. Unwell. Condemned. Different. Serene. Hospitalized. Insured. Uninsured. At risk. Predisposed. Infected. A carrier of. Healthy. Repaired. Augmented; Vaccinated. Anesthetized. Incurable. (Ir)Responsible. A smoker. An opioid addict. Equipped. Assisted. A caregiver. Caring…
I am… A doctor. A surgeon. A nurse. A midwife. A stretcher-bearer. A biologist. Underpaid. Overpaid.Paramedic. Pharmacist. Startup. Lab. Specialist. General practitioner. A.I.. Rural. Urban. Registered. Expensive. Overbooked. Public. Private. Exhausted. On strike. Homeopathic. Allopathic. Alterpathic…
These are some of the words of today’s dominant world of health and medicine - professionalized, high-tech, socialized, at the same time incredibly efficient, under stress and challenged by emerging or very old alternative paradigms.
So, tomorrow? How could or should we redefine health, sickness, and care? What, for instance, would post-collapse care look like? Or a trans- or post-human definition of health? Or definitions emerging from other cultures, from alternative practice?
Imagine other words, other definitions, other narratives of health, sickness and care in the future.