I lie beyond the horizon, yet somehow I am part of your life.
I am an object of knowledge yet cannot be known. Some pretend to see me, I love to prove them wrong.
When you imagine what I might look like, you think of change, hope, destiny, and even fear me.
I am all ends or all paths
I am about stories and actions, massive mobilizations and radical uncertainty, proactive design and adaptive resilience; I am about challenges and solutions, or maybe only better questions.
I am this word, future.
This call is not about describing how the future should be,but about what (if anything) the word “future” means to you. Do you have a relationship to it? Do you think about it? How do other cultures and communities use it? Who has a voice about what it should be, and how could it be extended? Is this word plural or singular?
By October 8h, send us a story, a drawing, a picture, a sentence, original or not, that you created or that inspires you, and that represents what the future is to you. You can send it @ info@plurality-university.org or drop it on our open collective platform: corpora.latelier-des-chercheurs.fr/uzine-futures-futurs
What will it produce? As for all the thematic explorations in the U+ZINE cycle, the content will be assembled and published in the form of a small-open source magazine, providing food for everyone’s thought and imagination: selected creative proposals, references, links to follow, short texts and images, to make this exchange a stepping stone, an invitation to collectively push this exploration further.