Amandine Brugière & Aurialie Jublin, “Digiwork:Mutations du travail à l’ère numérique”, FING, 2014. Image: Yoan Ollivier”
Science fiction mostly depicts corporation as negative actors / More and more corporation resort to science fiction to think about their future.
Entrepreneurs want to “change the world” / The narratives of “collapse” often begin with that of markets and corporations.
Corporations create wealth / Corporations extract and hoard wealth.
The Anthropocene / The Capitalocene.
Corporations are changing / We’ve heard that before.
Is there a role for corporations in a truly sustainable future? If so, what kinds of corporations, governed how, producing what, how, with and for whom?
And what is a corporation, really? Even today, what do a large multinational company, a freelancer’s cooperative, a startup looking for a buyer, a web platform, a “distributed autonomous corporation” (DAO), a Bcorp, have in common? What if we invented new words in order to invent new realities, new productive organizations?
For the 2nd edition of UZINE, the Plurality University Network invites artistic, fictional, speculative and utopian works looking at the future of corporations, corporations of the future, or completely revisiting our idea of “the corporation”.

Amandine Brugière & Aurialie Jublin, “Digiwork:Mutations du travail à l’ère numérique”, FING, 2014. Image: Yoan Ollivier”