“If there is a post-Anthropocene worth living in, those who will live in it will need different stories, with no entity at the centre of the stage.” – Isabelle Stengers
Quand, soudainement (‘Then, suddenly…’) was a collective fabulation based on the ‘new’ narratives of futures that might be. 25 artists and collectives explored alternative narratives and the changes that their existence, or their production, could trigger.
Artists: (Alternatiba) Mathilde François, Armelle Gautier, Thomas Coispel. Stefania Becheanu. Rocio Berenguer. Karine Bonneval. Nebulx404. NOUS.(Telmo Escapil-Inchauspé & Guilhem Solère). Lorène Gaydon. Jacqueline de Gorter. Makan Fonfana, Hugo Pilate. Cerrato Halls. Charles Hayloft. Roberte La Rousse. Collectif What if? (Welid Labidi et Max Mollon). Noémie Nicolas. Juliette Pénélope Pépin. Lucie Picandet. aniara rodado. Lola Sauvageot. Marina Smorodinova. Ketty Steward. Myriam Suchet. Laurent Tixador. Lukas Truniger. Vraiment Vraiment. Anatole Abitbol, Ikram Benchrif, Alexandre Ferreira, Paul Girard, Ferdinand Pezin (Residence).
Organized by the Plurality University Network: Christine Jean, Daniel Kaplan, Leo Kaplan, Emilie Audibert, Rose Rondelez, Margaux Latour
Curator: Chloé Luchs