Common Ground Dialogues

In partnership with four European countries—Hungary, Slovakia, the Netherlands, and France—, Common Ground Dialogues will organize no fewer than 10 storytelling circles. These workshops explore playful and artistic methods to bring together participants from different cultural, socio-economic, and political backgrounds to address highly polarizing issues.

The output from these workshops will be recorded by researchers and disseminated on an interactive website, enabling participants and a wider audience to interact with the materials and ‘contribute to the emergence of new European future narratives and mythology.’

U+ is pleased to join this initiative through the educational trajectory of the project. Indeed, a part of the Common Ground Dialogues project aims to facilitate trainers working with polarizing issues about the Storytelling Circle methodology. This will be achieved by organizing facilitator-training workshops in partner countries to train a new generation of facilitators and to facilitate the exchange of experiences with other practitioners in their field. The collected insights from these experiments and training materials will serve to publish a handbook for practitioners and academic articles on the methodology.

Subjective Values Foundation (SVF), Hungary (coordinator);
Divadelná Nitra Association (DNA), Slovakia;
Foundation Free University of Amsterdam (VU) / Faculty of Social Sciences, Department Sociology– Institute for Societal Resilience (ISR), Netherlands;
Stichting We Are Space (SPACE), Netherlands;
Plurality University Network (U+), France