The Narratopias Wall & Game

Based on Narratopia’s Library of Transformative Narratives, we have designed two devices whose role is to allow visitors of an exhibition, or participants in a workshop, to engage with narratives, discuss them, continue them and project themselves into the futures that they describe: the Narratopias Wall, and the Game.
Corpora: collective libraries of “future fragments”

Corpora Fragments is a collaborative and open online tool around thematic explorations turned towards the future. This platform is used to collect references and share them with whomever is interested in browsing through them, using them for workshops, information, meetings… It is a great way to plunge into the speculative futures, arts and fiction surrounding a specific theme and coming from a plurality of voices.
Futures Literacy guidebook
Building Futures Literacy for and with young learners: Easy-to-use resources for educators and youth workers

This document contains a set of educational modules that were designed and tested during the “Future is Now” project, in order to develop the “Futures Literacy” of young publics (teens and young adults). Various Futures Literacy activities (methods, set of activities, tools, games, etc.) have been tried out during seven training sessions in Bratislava, Proprad (Slovakia), Brussels (Belgium) and Paris (France). These modules that can be used for courses, workshops, or any other group activity involving accessing, creating, and discussing futures. The Toolbox is designed with young participants in mind, but can probably be used for all audiences.