Seeking curatorial committee for U+ZINE 5, “History”


The Curatorial Committee is a light process U+ put in place after the first two editions of U+ZINE. It was clear that something was missing in the collaborative process. As we receive contributions from a diversity of places and perspectives, the need to invite members/non-members to share inputs on how the material should be presented and what the contribution said about the exploration in question seemed obvious.

The Curatorial Committee’s mission is not to “categorize” or ” organize” the content (although, we do try to find an order for the presentation!) it is to discuss the emerging themes, angles, find unying or liking formats, and how we wish to interact with the public.

For each U+ theme, we are calling for members (or non-members) who; are interested in the subject explored, have a practice around the topic, or; simply wish to understand how to collectively work on a publication, get in touch with us!

We will meet two - three times (or a few more, if you enjoy it so much!) and take the time to exchange around our practices / discuss the contributions. As part of the committee, you are encouraged to

  • Share the call for contribution within your network (as a committee member, you can still contribute your work)
  • Read/look at the contribution (you don’t have to, but as we will discuss them, you might as well)

If you are also interested in contributing, it is also possible.

You are not committee-committed for life - Only for the topic in question.